If you like to compile MySQL from sources by yourself, for different needs, like debugging, testing etc, you probably can face this issue.

What I usually do to fast compile and test is

and then, for example, load the dump of InnoDB from previous version:

I bet you will not notice all your tables now is MyISAM. Why?

By default InnoDB is not compiled as storage engines.

Perhaps it is related to new pluginable architecture and all engines are equal to be not included by default.

It is not too hard to fix, you just need to use –with-plugins=innodb (or max, or max-no-ndb, which includes set of more engines)

But what I would want to see is BIG Warning or even Error that InnoDB table can’t be created instead of calm converting to MyISAM

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Martin Tsachev

You can with sql_mode = NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION. It’s just that it’s not the default.

create table test (id int) engine=blackhole;
ERROR 1289 (HY000): The ‘BLACKHOLE’ feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with ‘BLACKHOLE’ to have it working

Phil Hildebrand

I messed with this forever, then finally looked at the config options, and sure enough, the ./configure expects innobase:

from: http://www.innodb.com/support/tips

On MySQL 5.1, ./configure expects a different parameter:

$ ./configure –with-plugins=innobase

Bimal Poudel

I have a very big innodb database on linux. I am now, doubtful, if its log/archives are causing some slow-ness in the database’s performances. Since a cron script takes the full-database backup everyday, I now want to remove these archivals. How can I do this?


Normally, I backup the database, and restore it again, to flush off the old innodb logs – by this way, all my indices are recreated, and the overall system increases.

I do this once a month – talking around an hour of database performance management job.

David McMurray

After reading the out of date documentation and trying –with-innodb, –with-plugin-innodb, etc. I trawled the configure script and found –with-plugins= and innobase / innodb_plugin. I assumed innodb_plugin, but I have no idea whether innobase is required, so I included that for good measure.

I agree it needs to be a big warning, especially since I’ve spent 2 days on this so far and gone through several compilations.

Hopefully this is the last.


Phil, I love you!! Why couldn’t I have found this site 5 hours ago. ./configure –with-plugins=innobase works with 5.1.51

Shailendra Singh

./configure –with-plugins=innobase it also works on mysql 5.1.40 as well
Thanks ….

Ryan Lowe

Thanks Phil! You saved my bacon with the innobase tip.


I tried this:

./configure \
–with-plugins=innobase \
–prefix=/home/stephane/programs/install \

on MySql 5.1.61

But I still get

stephane@stephane-ThinkPad-X60:install> mysqladmin variables | grep have_innodb
| have_innodb | NO