As I already wrote you can well go to Linux distribution vendors if you’re looking for recent MySQL version in a hassle free binary form. (On the time of this writing you could only get binaries for MySQL Community 5.0.45 from MySQL Download Pages which was released in July and so about half a year old.

If you prefer to run binaries based on Enterprise codebase – the most up to date version 5.0.54 is now available for CentOS starting with CentOS4:

mysql.x86_64 5.0.54-1.el4.centos centosplus
mysql-bench.x86_64 5.0.54-1.el4.centos centosplus
mysql-devel.x86_64 5.0.54-1.el4.centos centosplus
mysql-libs.x86_64 5.0.54-1.el4.centos centosplus
mysql-server.x86_64 5.0.54-1.el4.centos centosplus

These are not built exactly same as ones you would download on MySQL Web site, ie BDB may be enabled by default but in general I have not seen major issues with RedHat builds for quite a while now.

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Does this mean that one of MySQL AB’s paying customers “leaked” the source of the Enterprise version (which is their right to do) or I missed something? Once again the Enterprise schema is proved stupid, which is a shame since a good schema would benefit both the community and paying customers, as Baron explains in his very nice post:


So it is recommended to use this version for production server, rather than those community version?


Are there 32bit builds available? I can’t see anything in the centosplus repo for centos5 x86

Eric Bergen

Proven Scaling provides a mirror for the MySQL Enterprise binaries and source code. As Peter said these are released under the GPL license. We get these directly from MySQL so they are the exact same files you can get with an Enterprise subscription.

The mirror is here:

The official announcement is toward the end of this blog entry:

Jeremy Cole

Hi Peter,

We have updated the mirror. I apologize for it being out of date, it’s my fault. 🙂

Actually there are CentOS/RHEL binaries as RPMs there, but all RPMs for each set are packaged together as a .tar file, as MySQL provides them. For example, mysql-enterprise-gpl-5.0.54-0.rhel4.x86_64.tar.

