Recently I was working with the customer who need quick warmup – to get Innodb table fetched in memory as fast as possible to get good in memory access performance.

To do it I run the query: “SELECT count(*) FROM tbl WHERE non_idx_col=0” I use this particular form of query because it will do full table scan – running count(*) without where clause may pick to scan some small index instead.

If your table is not fragmented one of two things should happen – either you should be reading at your hard drive sequential read rate or you would see MySQL becoming CPU bound if IO subsystem is too fast.

In this case however I saw neither – The vmstat showed read speed less than 10MB/sec which is very low for this system which had 6 15K SAS hard drives in RAID10.

Another indication of bad fragmentation was average IO size seen in SHOW INNODB STATUS output. It was around 20KB which means most reads are single page (16K reads). In case of non fragmented table you would see Innodb sequential read-ahead kick in which does reads in 1MB blocks and so you would see average IO size in hundreds of KB.

Now it is worth to notice you can see poor sequential scan performance even if table is not logically fragmented and Innodb is reading data in large blocks – this can happen in case Innodb table file is itself fragmented.

To check if this is the case I usually do “cat table.ibd > /dev/null” and watch IO statistics. If you see small IO request sizes in iostat and simply read speed. Like for the customer in question I saw file read speed of about 50MB/sec which is of course much better than 10MB/sec but well below RAID array capacity.

To check if file fragmentation is the issue or it is poor or miss configured IO subsystem I do another check by running cat /dev/sdb1 > /dev/null – Physical hard drive should never suffer fragmentation so you can get as much sequential IO as you can get (using IO pattern “cat” uses). In this case I got about 300MB/sec which confirmed file fragmentation is also the issue.

Interesting enough the “cure” for both fragmentation issues is the same – OPTIMIZE TABLE tbl – this command recreates the table by writing the new .ibd file (if you’re using innodb_file_per_table=1) which normally would be much less fragmented because it is written at once. Too bad however it requires table to be locked while it is being rebuilt and also it really only defragments clustered key but not the index.

P.S It would be cool to get Innodb objects (data and Index) fragmentation statistics which actually should not be that hard to implement.

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Kevin Burton

Would also be nice to get stats about whether and why readahead isn’t working.

But these might be the same stats….. hm

just a note about “Optimize table” fixing file fragmentation and table space fragmentation: For ext-3 this is only true if there is enough contiguous blocks left on the disk for the new file created by optimize table-while the table space fragmentation is still solved with Optimize table.

Stewart Smith

You may want to check out filefrag, this will tell you (rather quickly) how many fragments your file has. This works on just about any file system (on linux).

If running XFS, xfs_bmap gives you much more detailed output. xfs_fsr will also (online) defragment the file. You can also use xfs_io to reserve space (resvspc) for files if you want to do this from the start.

Jay Paroline

I have been using a similar method to ‘warm up the cache’ so to speak: SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM tablename) x LIMIT 1;
Is there any benefit from doing it your way over this way or are they pretty much the same thing?

Peter Laursen

I posted this to MySQL:

Originally we had this discussion in our Forums:

Is this related, you think. Or am I overlooking something basic?

The culprit is that also SHOW TABLE STATUS can be very slow. Same for queries to Information_Schema fetching the same information. But it seems not always so – I have tried on my laptop and here it is not the case. Framentation makes the difference?

Steven Roussey

Forget optimize table — better to use alter table order by xxx and force an arrangement by columns that you most often query against.

Galen Sprague

I’m I overlooking something here. What is the point of running table optimize on innodb tables if it doesn’t get rid of free data? And how might I go about doing this without changing the table to MyISAM first?

Galen Sprague

I am not familiar with innodb_file_per_table. Is this something I can turn on now and start utilizing with currently fragmented innodb tables?

Galen Sprague

@Peter, thank you for all of you insight! 😉

Sorry for the newbie questions, but I have a few more.

This actually just worked. I add the line to mysqld within my.cnf. I then optimized the fragmented table and the free data went away. However, I did not need to recreate the table unless optimize took care of this already? Also is having innodb_file_per_table the better way to go? Or should I disable this once my fragmentation is repaired?

Thanks again!

Galen Sprague

So I will have to do the following, please correct me if I am wrong:

1. Add innodb_file_per_table to my.cnf
2. Startup mysql and optimize all tables
3. mysqldump all DBs
4. Stop mysql
5. delete ibdata1 and logfiles
6. Startup mysql and import from mysqldump

This should take care of all fragmentation with innodb tables and this will create a new ibdata1 file on startup

Thanks again for everything! 😀

kuldeep Sirohi

I have innodb tables in my production database and i have set files_per_table variable.

i executed the following query to know the fragmentation

SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, CONCAT(ROUND(data_length / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘MB’) DATA, CONCAT(ROUND(data_free / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘MB’)FREE from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=’xyz’ and table_name=’abc’ and Data_free > 0 limit 10;

and it returned the following result

xyz abc 1.52MB 4.00MB(free space)

after this I executed

alter table abc engine=innodb

and re-executed

SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, CONCAT(ROUND(data_length / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘MB’) DATA, CONCAT(ROUND(data_free / ( 1024 * 1024 ), 2), ‘MB’)FREE from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=’xyz’ and table_name=’abc’ and Data_free > 0 limit 10;

still the free space remains the same. that means that table could not be defragmented.

is there any other way to defragment innodb tables?


Adam C. Scott

If the table was not created while innodb_file_per_table was ON, this will happen. You have to recreate the instance using mysqldump. See ( the Note section.


What is the main definition of Fragmentation