I use Maatkit for a lot of grunt work and thought you might appreciate this quick tip. Suppose you have a bazillion tables to convert from MyISAM to InnoDB, but they are mixed in with other tables that are already InnoDB, or are another storage engine that you don’t want to touch.

Here’s a bonus tip, while I’m at it. I had a client a while back whose application creates tables as needed, so they had about 90,000 tables in a bunch of different databases, all named things like user_123_456_friends. I wanted to add an index to them — but not to the ones named friends_123_456_user.

Boy, is that a lot easier than adding indexes to 90k tables by hand!

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Sounds interesting,

but, one questions …. if you are allowed to answer it….. 90k tables for what ??

isnt this a perfomance break itself ?


You could write a stored procedure that uses dynamic sql for the same thing. ALTER TABLE works in dynamic sql.

Nilesh Mahajan

If your environment was all MyISAM earlier and you used skip-innodb in your my.cnf, make sure you comment or remove it before converting using Maatkit or by manually using ALTER TABLE



how can I skip table ?