We have finally found the time to update out presentation pages – we’ve added the presentation on MySQL Scaling by Sharding and Replication as well as Russian Language presentations I’ve given at HighLoad++ conference back in October.
Innodb Scalability and New Features (Russian),
Scaling MySQL-powered Web Sites by Sharding and Replication (Russian),
Wonderful World of MySQL Storage Engines (Russian).

Now some feedback about these events

Meetup had a pretty impressive turnout and I got the feeling it went really good. I really enjoy talking when there is a little time pressure though some people mentioned their invite mentioned it will be one hour only… bad luck.

It is also a great challenge to balance between presentation length, focus and area of detail. This presentation was indeed more overview though my experience from previous meetings shows most people on meetups are not very advanced and this presentation would be good match for them. Though this also means some people did not get the level of details they wanted to see. On the other hand focusing on the deep problems would require much more narrow topic for the same presentation length plus, really, the narrow topic means it is not only interested to less of the people but also it applies to less applications. General advice is broad but problem as well as exact solutions are very application specific. This is exactly how we can openly publish everything we know on the blog (and book) but still do consulting as a business.

For MySQL Users Conference I took the different approach this year having almost no general suggestions but rather very focused talks, such as “How to manage replication lag”. Lets see how this impresses selection board.

Now about HighLoad++. This was the fun conference though it was hard this year because I just arrived from the US the night before and so was rather tired to do my presentations. In general this conference had a lot of good presentations both from Russia and other countries and a lot of attendees which were interesting to speak to. At the same time many people which were on the conference this year there missing this time, going to the competing HighLoad conference taking place couple of weeks before. I guess the organizers had their differences causing conference to split but for me as a speaker and for many attendees it would be more values if these were united.

Another thing to improve is recording. First I should mention it is great there was an attempt to record all talks. On MySQL Users Conference, Velocity, or OSCON very few talks get recorded. At the same time recording could be better.

Anyway enjoy presentations and I’m looking forward to speaking in more events on more topics 🙂

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Its good to see you’ve added some more stuff to the presentation pages, i really enjoyed the old “outrun the lions” – it’d be nice to see some more new english presentations.