Are you running MySQL on Debian or Ubuntu with InnoDB? You might want to disable /etc/mysql/debian-start. When you run /etc/init.d/mysql start it runs this script, which runs mysqlcheck, which can destroy performance.

It can happen on a server with MyISAM tables, if there are enough tables, but it is far worse on InnoDB. There are a few reasons why this happens — access to open an InnoDB table is serialized by a mutex, for one thing, and the mysqlcheck script opens all tables. One at a time.

It’s pretty easy to get into a “perfect storm” scenario. For example, I’m working with one client right now who has a hosted multi-tenanting application that keeps each customer in its own database. So they have a lot of databases and a lot of tables. And they’re running on Amazon EC2 with 8G of RAM and EBS storage, which is slower than typical directly-attached server-grade RAID storage. Since they have a lot of tables, InnoDB uses over 3.5G of memory for its data dictionary (the subject for another post — we’re working on a fix) and so we can’t make the buffer pool as large as we’d like to.

To avoid physical I/O all the time we need to get some reasonable amount of data into the buffer pool. But we have to do this without death-by-swapping, which would be extremely slow on this machine, so we need to stop the buffer pool and the OS cache from competing. My chosen strategy for this was to set innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT. We could also tune the OS, but in my experience that’s not as effective when you’re really pushing to get memory into the buffer pool. Remember we have 3.5G of memory less to play with, solely due to the data dictionary.

But this strategy will only reduce physical reads if the buffer pool follows a typical access pattern. That is, some of the data is in your working set and will stay in the buffer pool, some small part of it will move in and out of the buffer pool, and some won’t be needed.

And that’s where the Debian startup script breaks down entirely, because it doesn’t follow this pattern. It’s going to open every table, regardless of whether user queries require it or not. On big servers I’ve seen it literally run for days (or longer). In the meanwhile, it’ll interfere with everything else going on. Look what happens:

Notice all those processes in ‘statistics’ status. Why is that happening? Look at SHOW INNODB STATUS:

Everyone is waiting for mutexes, and they are all waiting for thread 1158064464 which has reserved it. If you hunt through the TRANSACTIONS section, you can see the OS thread IDs, and that one is the debian-sys-maint thread. You also see the other threads:

And correlating the thread ID back to the semaphores, you see thread 1159956816 is waiting for the semaphore.

Notice that this is effectively a global lock. The debian-sys-maint thread is not touching the same tables as the other queries; it’s just touching the same internal structures. So a user working on table A can interfere with a user that wants access to table B.

The real solution is to disable this startup process. It’s not even needed for InnoDB. Sooner or later you’ll find yourself fighting with it. You can just put “exit 0;” at the top.

The solution I chose in this case?

Immediately afterward everything cleared up.

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Erik Jacobson

Very interesting. I’ve noticed how long this process takes, but usually just accepted it as a fact of life for data consistency, similar to fsck. I have killed it off in the past though when I really needed the server to start running immediately.

It may be worth forwarding this along to their MySQL bugs page, as I’m sure they’d take action with the documentation provided here, and this is certainly something squarely in their hands as opposed to upstream:;dist=unstable

Nice find though!


Note that this shouldn’t be a problem with MySQL from Debian lenny, as it ships with init-scripts which will not run CHECK TABLE on non-MYISAM tables.

Olivier B.

Actually we only comment the call of “check_for_crashed_tables;” in the Debian script.

I have also used the “KILL 7” approach in the past and found that another thread is often opened up immediately with a “CHECK TABLE” on the next table in the database. I needed to keep killing threads until it gets to the end. [Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy]

Brice Figureau

My first action after installing mysql on Debian is to comment the check_for_crashed call (actually not really me, but Puppet is doing it for me).


Yep, the stock Mysql Debian init script sucks so badly that it’s almost mandatory for every sysadmin out there with a real Mysql installation to fine tune them. Moreover it sucks almost as well that scripts in the .deb packages stop/start Mysql without asking. There are situations in which you want to update the binary quickly but you want a controlled restart.

Norbert Tretkowski

Vide, just drop a mail to the Debian BTS with your suggestions and patches. It’s too late to change things for lenny, but we can talk about your suggestions and patches for squeeze.

Btw, I’m using the stock init scripts in “real mysql installations” (50+ servers), and they are working just fine.

Peter Zaitsev


In reality it is not clear to me why do it this way all together.
If you want tables to be checked and repaired on startup myisam_recover is the decent option. If this causes problems because MySQL starts to check and repair a lot of tables at the same time blocking all connections may be MyISAM is simply not the right choice for you.

Running check in the background is the broken middle ground – you still have some queries ran against corrupted MyISAM tables which can cause wrong query results or further corruption and you can still get MySQL stalled/running out of connections when a lot of connections block waiting for some large commonly accessed table which is being checked.


Yet another brain damaged Debian “improvement”.

Memo to debian package maintainers: You are *package maintainers*. If you want to change the way MySQL *behaves*, SUBMIT A PATCH LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN TO HAVE IT REFLECTED IN THE OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION EVERYONE (except a few of us crusty old farts who don’t trust anyone or anything we don’t build ourselves) RELIES UPON.



g, you don’t need to cry, as ch wrote above the behaviour was already changed about a year ago.