With the growing adoption of Google’s User Statistics Patch**, the need for supporting scripts has become clear. To that end, we’ve created check-unused-keys, a Perl script to provide a nicer interface than directly querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.

check-unused-keys can be invoked and used as follows:

** FULLTEXT indexes are not taken into account by this patch, so be wary. And, as always, sanity check the suggestions and test thoroughly before making changes to production.

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Arjen Lentz

into maatkit?


Does this script work on a standard Mysql installation (without Google’s user_statistics) ?

Baron Schwartz

I’m pretty sure that is only available with the Percona patches. The Google patches added SHOW commands, we turned them into INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables (I might be wrong about that).

Lance Li

it looks there is a typo

# diff check-unused-keys-0.0.2 check-unused-keys-
my @tbls = split(/,/, $OPTIONS{‘tables’});

Lance Li

sorry for the duplicate comment… it looks i cannot paste a diff result here.

but i really think you know what i mean… 🙂


tried to use the below check-ununsed-keys but failed. pls.help

# ./check-unused-keys. -uusername -ppassword -Hhostname -iportname -ddbname

Could not connect to MySQL

i logged in with the same credentials using mysql -uusername -ppassword -hhostname -Pportname

any help will be appreciated

Ryan Lowe

@chava try with -v -v -v and see the debug output


thanks Ryan,

i used perl check-unused-keys. with options and it worked like a charm, we use perl customized to our environment so. i had to use that instead of ./check-unused-keys .
