As you might have seen Innodb Plugin 1.0.4 was released today. I am very excited to see this release which is released exactly 5 months after release of Innodb Plugin 1.0.3 (I honestly expected to see Innodb Plugin 1.0.4 to be released by MySQL Conference and Expo in April). This also is still “early adopter” version of a plugin which is a bit of disappointment as we can’t wait for Innodb plugin to become stable/GA but considering number of improvements this is probably good thing.

We’re also pleased to see some of Percona contributions made in this release (in modified form) while others were evaluated and given ideas for different implementations.

Among other changes I’m especially pleased with fixed Group Commit Bug which I reported about 4 years ago and which was known for about 5 years, since early MySQL 5.0 beta releases. We had semi-fix for this problem earlier this year but it is great to see solution with even less mutex code.

Now the fun part starts – we need to evaluate/benchmark/stress test Innodb Plugin 1.0.4 to integrate it with next XtraDB release.

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Baron Schwartz

Ditto — I am extremely happy that the changes we’ve made are going back into the mainline, and being improved upon in the process!

Baron Schwartz

PS: Some of the changes, that is — there are still changes we’ve made that aren’t in InnoDB, such as import/export tables.

Sheeri K. Cabral

Excellent! Maybe this means that Oracle being the parent company will be good for MySQL — as Oracle is the company that owns Innobase!