Dear Community,

As of today release 1.0 is available.

In this release there are following changes:

  • XtraBackup is ported to Windows. The .MSI package as well as .tar.gz is available for 32 bit platform
  • Be more verbose on reporting scp errors

Fixed bugs:

The binary packages for RHEL4,5, Debian, FreeBSD, Windows as well as source code of the XtraBackup is available on MacOS packages will come later.

Debian and RPM are available in Percona repository

The project lives on Launchpad : and you can report bug to Launchpad bug system: The documentation is available on our Wiki.

For general questions use our Pecona-discussions group, and for development question Percona-dev group.

For support, commercial and sponsorship inquiries contact Percona.

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Peter Laursen

I can navigate to the download link (, but clicking it returns ‘access denied’. Intentional?



Not intentional but due to wrong umask. Fixed now, could you please check?

Peter Laursen

yes .. works now! thanks!


xtrabackup binary file 150 Byte ???

—— snap ——–

xtrabackup-1.0.tar.gz 09-Dec-2009 22:21 150

—— snap ——–


The file seems to be broken. It has a size of only 150 Bytes and if you extract it you get only an empty folder xtrabackup-1.0/bin. Could you check, please?

Evil Trout

Fantastic. I’ve been using xtrabackup for a long time now in production. It’s a fantastic product and congratulations on making it to 1.0!



The archive was really broken. rpmbuild removed files which were supposed to be used for tar.gz package.
The respective bug is created to prevent this error in next releases.
Meanwhile I fixed the archive. Please check again.

Peter Mueller

got following exception:

srv168:~/root/xtrabackup-1.0/bin# ./xtrabackup –help
Floating point exception
srv168:~/root/xtrabackup-1.0/bin# file xtrabackup
xtrabackup: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
srv168:~/root/xtrabackup-1.0/bin# uname -a
Linux srv168 2.6.18-6-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 25 21:08:54 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Darren Cassar

Congrats on 1.0!
Any plans to provide binaries for solaris 10 x86?


xtrabackup helps me a lot.Just say THANKS here


Any plans for supporting the compressed innodb tables? Ran into an error using this after switching to mysql 5.1.41 and the innodb plugin 1.5 with compression enabled on a couple tables.

Vadim Tkachenko


release-1.0 should work with compressed tables. If you have problems with that please report bug

Yasufumi Kinoshita


Why did you build 5.0 version only?
The binary cannot support Barracuda.
There are complain about it…


vadim, i’m seeing the error with what I believe is the latest build, 1.0-56 64 bit CentOS platform and mysql 5.1.41.


Can you make RPM available the new version that supports compressed tables? I see that you have a patch, but the repository does not have a new build. Thanks!