We had some technical difficulties with Webex today which prevented from all registered attendees to be able to join webinar. I personally would be very upset having booked my time to attend event, pre-registered to ensure there is a space available and when unable to join at the time of event (which is frankly exactly what happened to me).

As result we have scheduled Migrating MyISAM to Innodb webinar to run again on Tuesday, December 7 at 9AM Pacific (Same Time). Here is direct link if you would like to register.

Note we also Webinar on Percona Server, Xtrabackup and XtraDB next week which is great if you would like to learn more about any of these technologies.

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Great, thanks Peter!

Ilan Shemes

This is also exactly what happened to me. Unfortunately I’m above the Atlantic Ocean during the rescheduled webinar. Is it possible to download a recording of the webinar somewhere?


That is good news Peter. Thank you.


Thank you so much… 🙂


I’m there but can’t hear anything.


I had unfortunately the same problem as kmilo, hope the recording will be available soon.


+1 for the recording


+1 for the recording