Welcome to the weekly roundup and progress report. What’s new this week in Percona Server:

  • As you might have seen, we released Percona Server 5.1.55-12.6. This release also updated our repositories for Debian Squeeze.
  • We’re enhancing the PROCESSLIST to include columns for rows examined, sent, and read. This can be useful for understanding how much progress a query has made, and potentially how long until it completes.
  • Our 5.5 release is a release candidate at the moment. When it goes to stable status, several command-line options and configuration variables will be renamed. We did not always choose good names for variables and options, and this is the best time to fix that.
  • We are working on a new adaptive flushing algorithm that should further improve the quality and consistency of query response time and throughput when the disks can’t keep up. It’s too early to provide details, but we’ll keep you informed as we organize our thoughts more and have some real results to show.

News this week for Percona XtraBackup:

  • It’s now possible to do incremental backups on compressed tables.
  • We’re improving incremental backups with streaming, so that incrementals can be taken without a base backup needing to be present on the local host. This can save even more disk space.
  • Fred is working on improving the innobackupex documentation.