As you might have heard, at the MySQL Conference this earlier this week we announced our launch of Drizzle support services. We added Drizzle to the list of database servers that is covered under our MySQL support contracts. This includes MySQL, Percona Server, Amazon RDS, MariaDB, and the XtraBackup and Maatkit tools.

We’ve been advocates of the Drizzle project for a long time. I’ve blogged several times about the investments that Drizzle developers are making in the project’s technical and social assets: a clean codebase and an engaged community. I think Drizzle has a lot of things right to make a long-term play at producing a really good database server.

Now that Drizzle is GA, it would be downright strange if we didn’t offer commercial support for it. We welcome current and prospective Drizzle users to contact us about Drizzle support (and consulting) contracts. As always, we will do our best to give objective advice about its merits. And you can watch this blog for much more technical content on Drizzle.

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Great news! We look forward to working with you guys to make Drizzle even better. Thanks for all the excellent patches from the Percona devs so far.


Great news! We look forward to working with you guys to make Drizzle even better. Thanks for all the excellent patches from the Percona devs so far.