I am very happy to welcome Patrick Crews to the Percona development team. Patrick joins Percona at a very exciting time for the development team. We are getting regular releases of Percona Server and Percona Xtrabackup out the door, we have been heavily using the Jenkins continuous integration system to maintain and improve the quality of the products we ship and we just upgraded our documentation publishing platform for both Percona Server (5.1 and 5.5) and Percona Xtrabackup.

We are at the natural point to expand our QA efforts – and that’s where Patrick joins us.

Patrick has been doing QA in the MySQL world for a while now, and has extensive experience with both MySQL and Drizzle. His work has included use of a variety of testing tools such as the randgen (random query generator) project to which he contributes.

As a Drizzle developer, he saw the code get to its first GA release. This included testing a completely rewritten replication system, drizzledump’s evolution to a migration tool, as well as creating a new pluggable testing system for the project (dbqp – expect to hear a lot more on this in the months to come).

Patrick’s role will have him working on both Percona Server, XtraDB, and XtraBackup. This will include creating more advanced tests and test systems for our development needs which will naturally also improve the testing of Drizzle due to sharing of common code.

Patrick has a blog over at www.wc220.com where he writes about Drizzle QA and other topics.

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Henrik Ingo

Wow, congratulations!

Patrick, you said one night at Oscon that QA guys don’t become known as rock stars like developers can. I think you are on your way to proving yourself wrong on that point. (And the recent increase in quality with the MySQL releases proves the same.)

David Shrewsbury

Super, super acquisition by Percona. Have fun, Patrick!