The announcement of Percona XtraDB Cluster seems to have generated a fair bit of interest : )

Although the documentation contains more formal instructions for setting up a test cluster, I wanted to share a quick way to set up an ad-hoc cluster on a single machine to help people play with this (imho) rather amazing bit of software.

To do this, you will need kewpie (PXC will have kewpie in-tree soon)
cd basedir;
bzr branch lp:kewpie

edit the file like so:

Or you may branch kewpie anywhere and simply pass appropriate –basedir and –wsrep-provider-path instructions and use –default-server-type=galera

* A default location of /usr/lib/galera/ is assumed

To get your cluster, run the tests with –start-and-exit:
./  –start-and-exit
This will start up 3 nodes and join them into a cluster:

Now for some play:

Should you wish to alter the number of nodes or their configuration, you can edit the percona_tests/cluster_basic/ file:

Each ‘[]’ in the server_requirements list is a server.  You can add new servers by adding a new list.  If you want specific options, put them into the list representing the server:

You will need to add an entry into the server_requests dictionary as well.  If you added a new node and want it in the cluster you would simply change it as follows:
server_requests = {‘join_cluster’:[(0,1), (0,2), (0,3)]}

When you are done, you may use mode=cleanup to kill off any servers:

Alternately, you can just let the tests run to ensure some basic functionality.  I’ll be writing more about these tests and other testing efforts soon, but I wanted to help people get started with their own explorations.

Happy testing and I hope you dig Percona XtraDB Cluster as much as we do : )