We’ve released a new set of monitoring plugins for MySQL servers and related software. With these plugins, you can set up world-class graphing and monitoring for your MySQL servers, using your own on-premises Cacti and Nagios software. The Cacti plugins are derived from an existing set of templates we’ve been using for several years, but the Nagios check plugins are brand new. They are informed by the research we did into the causes and preventions of MySQL downtime.

Like all Percona software, the plugins are open-source and free, licensed under the GNU GPL. The source code and issue tracker are hosted at Launchpad. The 0.9.0 release is ready to download now, and the reference manual is also online. In the next release we will integrate this into our package management, so you can install through YUM and APT repositories.

The new monitoring plugins add first-rate support for MySQL to popular enterprise opensource monitoring systems, and that’s why we’ve added them to the list of software included in our support contracts. If you’re an existing customer of Percona’s MySQL Support services, your contract automatically covers these new plugins, too; you don’t need a new contract for that. Under the support contract, you’ll get help installing, configuring, troubleshooting, and administering your monitoring plugins, as well as being entitled to bug fixes. And as always, we’re also available to extend the plugins to support your environment or broaden the range of systems and software that they can monitor.

Please use the Launchpad bug tracker to report issues. Happy monitoring!

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Jonathan Levin

Pretty cool!

David Christensen

How different are these from the orginal Cacti MySQL graphs you created? I’ve imported the earlier Cacti graphs into Zabbix so I am wondering if these would be considered a replacement or an upgrade?

Will Gunty

The documentation says that “Instructions to upgrade are in the change log” but the change log includes no information about upgrading.

Art van Scheppingen

Great to see it as a whole package for both Cacti and Nagios. We use both of them and currently get way more information out of Cacti than Nagios and with this we can even that out.


That’s unfortunate. I would love to start using these, but cannot warrant losing our historical data.

Will Gunty

I’m actually running .87h now, but I found some patches in the forums to fix the issue in those bugs.

Is it possible some kind of conversion script could be written to convert from the old version to the new?

Daniël van Eeden

Why didn’t you improve the Nagios plugins from PalominoDB? http://palominodb.com/about-us/projects

There are already too many Nagios plugins for MySQL (I think Sheeri made a presentation about that) and most of them are fairly limited or don’t use any caching.

I really do like the fact that Percona is working on monitoring and I really like the fact that the code is open.

Daniël van Eeden

Is SNMP access to the database enough for cacti monitoring? The old cacti templates didn’t have options for that so I had to use this: http://www.masterzen.fr/2010/01/10/mysql-snmp-10-snmp-monitoring-for-mysql/ to get it working. Only using SNMP is required in some high security environments (And SNMP is forbidden in other high security environments…)

Ron Bower

We have been using check_mysql_health (and it’s cousins check_oracle_health, check_mssql_health and check_db2_health) since years and did not see any plugin with a feature list as complete as theirs.


hello,Baron Schwartz, i used xtrabackup for incremental backup , i used –salve-info to incremntal backup for convenience,but i found it always printing >> log scanned up to (0 1172823116) ,so the process of backup countn’t
end , the xtrabackup_suspended file alse exist. when i drop the –salve-info option , the process of backup could be compelte soon.


so when do incremental backup ,the –slave-info couldn‘t be added to the command line?


I deployed the new plugin to monitor MySQL , the most graphs are normal, but the replication monitoring can’t display data in the graph template. the template is Graph Template: Percona MySQL Replication GT.
please advise.


I see MySQL Monitoring Plugins for Cacti, nagios and zabbix…
How i can implement the MySQL Monitoring Plugins on Zenoss?