The Percona Toolkit team is happy to announce the release of Percona Toolkit versions 2.0.5 and 2.1.2. These are bug-fix releases in the 2.0 and 2.1 series, respectively. These releases fix many dozens of bugs, and we suggest that users upgrade to the latest versions of the tools.

The complete list of changes is on Launchpad for 2.0.5 and 2.1.2. Here are some highlights of the changes in version 2.1.2, which is the current development focus:

  • We fixed several bugs in pt-table-sync that prevented it from working properly, and disabled the –lock-and-rename feature when using it with MySQL versions that don’t support it reliably.
  • We enhanced pt-table-checksum and pt-online-schema-change to add even more safety checks, and to detect and deal with some MySQL optimizer misbehaviors, as well as to handle more edge-case behaviors related to things like replication lag.
  • We fixed a variety of bugs in pretty much every tool. There are at least 50 bug fixes, but in reality we may have fixed many more, as we expanded our test coverage to include more MySQL versions, more operating system platforms, more types of MySQL server settings, and more versions of Perl.

I’m proud to say that the team has produced the highest quality release in Percona Toolkit’s history. I hope you enjoy and profit from it. Remember, if you need help with Percona Toolkit, we provide flat-fee, unlimited support services with rapid 24×7 response on a commercial basis via our Support contracts. Links to the downloads, documentation, bug reports, mailing list, and more are available from the Percona Toolkit project homepage.

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Will Gunty

Glad to see a few bugs we were dealing with in Online-Schema-Change released in this build. It’s already installed on all of our machines 🙂