Percona Live, London 2012 continues streak of “not to be missed” events in London, following the footsteps of Royal Wedding, Diamond Jubilee and Summer Olympics. We have prepared great set of Tutorials and Sessions for these two day event. Here is my personal selection of the talks I’d love to attend, though I rarely have such chance 🙂

MariaDB – All the New Features by Sergei Golubchik is a great overview of MariaDB features. If you’re interested to learn more about current state of MariaDB it is great talk to attend.

Choosing Hardware for MySQL by Kenny Gryp is a great talk if you want to learn how to chose hardware for best MySQL performance and maximum efficiency.

MySQL Compatible Open Source Connectors by Andrew Hutchings. There are More MySQL connectors available than standard “libmysql” and Andrew will tell you all about it. You should be specially interested in this talk if GPL licensing requirements for standard MySQL client libraries make it challenging to use in your environment.

common_schema: DBA’s framework for MySQL by Shlomi Noach is a talk about very powerful set of views and routines to simplify a lot of common DBA tasks for administration and analyses.

Survey of Percona Toolkit: Command-line Tools for MySQL by Bill Karwin. This talk is a brief overview of 9 essential Percona Toolkit command line tools.

I’m also giving talks myself – Using Percona Server in Production tutorial and Optimizing MySQL Configuration and I’d love to see you on these.

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See you in London!