Percona Toolkit

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Toolkit 2.2.4 on July 17th, 2013 (Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories).

New Features:

  • pt-query-digest --output json includes query examples as of v2.2.3. Some people might not want this because it exposes real data. New option, --output json-anon, has been implemented. This option will provide the same data without query examples. It’s “anonymous” in the sense that there’s no identifying data; nothing more than schema and table structs can be inferred from fingerprints.
  • When using drop swap with pt-online-schema-change there is some production impact. This impact can be measured because tool outputs the current timestamp on lines for operations that may take awhile. Before this feature was implemented this information wasn’t available.

Bugs Fixed:

  • pt-table-checksum would fail if variable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp was enabled in MySQL 5.6. Bug fixed #1163735.
  • Trying to assign 0 to any variable by using --set-vars option would cause “Invalid --set-vars value” message. Bug fixed #1182856.
  • Fixed the typo in the pt-online-schema-change code that could lead to a tool crash when copying the rows. Bug fixed #1188264
  • pt-table-checksum was using the first non-unique index instead of the one with the highest cardinality due to a sorting bug. Bug fixed #1199591

All of Percona‘s software is open-source and free, all the details of the release can be found in the 2.2.4 milestone at Launchpad. Bugs can be reported on the Percona Toolkit launchpad bug tracker.

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Andrea Stieger

You have a bunch of backup files in the archive…
percona-toolkit-2.2.3.tar.gz 1.4 MB
percona-toolkit-2.2.4.tar.gz 4.1 MB