MySQL Security: Armoring Your DolphinMy colleague and teammate Ernie Souhrada will be presenting a webinar on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 10 a.m. PDT titled “MySQL Security: Armoring Your Dolphin.”

This is a popular topic with news breaking routinely that yet another Internet company has leaked private data of one form or another. Ernie’s webinar will be a great overview of security MySQL from top to bottom, including changes related to security in the 5.6 release.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Basic security concepts
  • Security above the MySQL layer (network, hardware, OS, etc.)
  • Tips for application design
  • A more secure MySQL configuration
  • Security-related changes in MySQL 5.6

Attendees will leave this presentation knowing where to start when identifying vulnerability in their systems.

Be sure to register for the webinar in advance!