One of the routine tasks for a DBA is MySQL renaming database schemas, and as such MySQL added a command to carry out that purpose called “RENAME DATABASE <database_name>”. However, this command just made it through a few minor releases before being discontinued (from MySQL 5.1.7 to 5.1.23). Here’s a link to the reference manual regarding the command Vadim wrote a MySQL Performance Blog post about this a few years ago where he mentions the dangerous nature of this command – that post was appropriately headlined, “Dangerous Command.” Today we will see what are the ways in which a database schema can be renamed and which of them is the quickest.

How to Rename MySQL Databases

Method 1: A well-known method for renaming database schema is by dumping the schema using Mysqldump and restoring it in another schema, and then dropping the old schema (if needed).

Although the above method is easy, it is time and space consuming. What if the schema is more than a 100GB? There are methods where you can pipe the above commands together to save on space, however, it will not save time.

To remedy such situations, there is another quick method to rename schemas, however, some care must be taken while doing it.

Method 2: MySQL has a very good feature for renaming tables that even works across different schemas. This rename operation is atomic and no one else can access the table while it is being renamed. This takes a short time to complete since changing a table’s name or its schema is only a metadata change. Here is the procedural approach at doing the rename:

  • a) Create the new database schema with the desired name.
  • b) Rename the tables from old schema to the new schema, using MySQL’s “RENAME TABLE” command.
  • c) Drop the old database schema.

If there are views, triggers, functions, stored procedures in the schema, those will need to be recreated too. MySQL’s “RENAME TABLE” fails if there are triggers exists on the tables. To remedy this we can do the following things :

1) Dump the triggers, events and stored routines in a separate file. This is done using -E, -R flags (in addition to -t -d which dumps the triggers) to the mysqldump command. Once triggers are dumped, we will need to drop them from the schema, for RENAME TABLE command to work.

2) Generate a list of only “BASE” tables. These can be found using a query on information_schema.TABLES table.

3) Dump the views in an out file. Views can be found using a query on the same information_schema.TABLES table.

4) Drop the triggers on the current tables in the old_schema.

5) Restore the above dump files once all the “Base” tables found in step #2 are renamed.


Intricacies with above methods :

  • We may need to update the GRANTS for users such that they match the correct schema_name. These could be fixed with a simple UPDATE on mysql.columns_priv, mysql.procs_priv, mysql.tables_priv, mysql.db tables updating the old_schema name to new_schema and calling “Flush privileges;”.

Although “method 2” seems a bit more complicated than the “method 1”, this is totally scriptable. A simple bash script to carry out the above steps in proper sequence can help you save space and time while renaming database schemas next time.

We on the Percona Remote DBA team have written a script called “rename_db” that works in the following way :

To demonstrate the use of this script, we used a sample schema “emp”, created test triggers, stored routines on that schema. We will try to rename the database schema using the script, which takes some seconds to complete as opposed to time-consuming dump/restore method.

As you can see in the above output the database schema “emp” was renamed to “emp_test” in less than a second.

Lastly, we are happy to share the script we used above for “method 2”.

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Neeraj Khandelwal

Very helpful.


script means is it “rename_db.bat” or “rename_db.sql” file..

Fernando Mattera

Good trick for method 2.
Method 1 is for very small schemas.


Its really the best way. Also it saves lot of time in doing.

Shantanu Oak

Very useful script. And that toolbar above the script that allows easy copy – paste is useful as well 🙂


if some user’s privileges related to this database,i can use the follow bash to flush his privileges


DATE=date +%Y%m%d
if [ -f “/tmp/grants$DATE.sql” ];then
rm -fr /tmp/grants$DATE.sql;

for i in mysql -N -s -e "select concat(\"show grants for '\",user,\"'@'\",host,\"';\") from mysql.user"|grep -w 'show grants'| mysql -N |grep -w 'GRANT'| sed 's/$/;/g' | grep $1 | awk -F'TO' '{print $2}';do mysql -N -s -e “show grants for $i”|grep -w ‘GRANT’| sed ‘s/$/;/g’ >> /tmp/grants$DATE.sql;done
if [ -f “/tmp/grants$DATE.sql” ];then
sed -i “s/$1/$2/g” /tmp/grants$DATE.sql;

for i in mysql -N -s -e "select concat(\"show grants for '\",user,\"'@'\",host,\"';\") from mysql.user"|grep -w 'show grants'| mysql -N |grep -w 'GRANT'| sed 's/$/;/g' | grep $1 | awk -F'TO' '{print $2}';do mysql -N -s -e “drop user $i” ;done

mysql < /tmp/grants$DATE.sql

Steven Barre

Does this work both on shared tablespace and innodb_file_per_table ?

Valerie Parham-Thompson

Steven, I was curious about your question, so I tested the rename to a new database procedure above with both a shared tablespace and innodb_file_per_table. It works the same with both. I’m using 5.6.15.

Simon Lee

What would be the fastest way to copy a huge database with innodb tables to a new database?

Ville Ojamo

I would like to add that if you are using Percona Cluster, changing the mysql.db table directly will not replicate to other cluster nodes. So the commands for modifying permissions needs to be run on all cluster nodes.

Also do not forget to put user/password for both [mysql] and [mysqldump] in a file first – otherwise the script cannot connect to database.

Martin Jobst

Thank you for this great solution, it saves me a lot of time!

The only problem was the trigger dump cannot restored because it writes also the (source) database name into the dump:
….. TRIGGER accounts_before_insert BEFORE INSERT ON test_crm_at.accounts FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ….

And at restore this fails at the database with the new name.
I found no way to prevent the output of the database name in the mysqldump at line 28 ….

So I fix this with add following after line 28:
sed -i “s/$2\./$3\./g” /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump

It’s a little strange but I think with inclusion of the point in databasename. in the regex string, it ensures that it not renames other elements as the database name.

Max Newell

This script is almost perfect for me when I need to rename schemas from production snapshots to different names for non-production environments. However, there is one table in all of my schemas that consistently refuses to be renamed (I’ve run your script line by line to isolate it). This is what happens in the MySQL interactive client, and I don’t understand:

mysql> rename table promo_max.promotions to promo_xxx.promotions ;
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table ‘./promo_xxx/promotions’ already exists

Actually renaming that one table to ANYTHING — even a different table name in the same schema fails:

mysql> rename table promo_max.promotions to promo_max.s ;
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table ‘./promo_max/s’ already exists
mysql> rename table promo_max.promotions to promo_max.1 ;
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table ‘./promo_max/1’ already exists
mysql> rename table promo_max.promotions to promo_max.HUBBLE_TELESCOPE ;
ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table ‘./promo_max/HUBBLE_TELESCOPE’ already exists

(None of these tables, it goes without saying, actually exist.)

The target database is stock MySQL 5.5.33 on Amazon RDS, using innodb_file_per_table=ON. So I don’t have access to the base filesystem to see if the claimed files already exist (but given the refusal of arbitrary, never-used names, I’m pretty sure they don’t).

Todd Michael

If you wanted to live life on the edge, you can also take the DB offline, rename the folder for the database (careful of MySQL file naming conventions), and then restart the DB.

Because of the 1-to-1 nature between folder name and database name, MySQL will generally re-establish the database in the schema list … but make no effort to fix permissions etc.

Casper Langemeijer

In line 14:
“show create database $2G”

needs to be:
“show create database $2\G”

similarly in line 23:
“show triggersG”

needs to be:
“show triggers\G”

Matt Loidolt

Here’s a script that can be run to get the command needed to rename all of the tables.

SET @oldSchemaName = ‘oldSchema’;
SET @newSchemaName = ‘newSchema’;

SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 4294967295;

SELECT CONCAT(‘RENAME TABLE ‘, GROUP_CONCAT(mySchema.table_schema,’.',table_name, ' TO ‘,@newSchemaName,’.',table_name,' \n’),’;’) AS Statement
FROM information_schema.TABLES AS mySchema
WHERE mySchema.table_schema LIKE @oldSchemaName
GROUP BY mySchema.table_schema

Divy Singh Rathore

It’s very simple in WAMP Server. It provide option to rename an existing database. However you can also rename database if you don’have server like WAMP, XAMP. First export you database data with structure and create new database. Import your data into new database and drop previous one.

Kovid Rathee

Had to point this out.

Incorrect – If there are views, triggers, functions, stored procedures in the schema, those will need to be recreated too. MySQL’s “RENAME TABLE” fails if there are triggers exists on the tables.

Correct – If there are views, triggers, functions, stored procedures in the schema, those will need to be recreated too. MySQL’s “RENAME TABLE” fails if triggers exist on the tables.


Here is a version of the script with the fix for \G mentioned before applied, some corrections to schema names escaping characters, and a couple improvements for the messages shown (in my opinion). It works on my 5.5.47-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 version.

# Copyright 2013 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
set -e
if [ -z “$3” ]; then
echo “rename_db ”
exit 1
db_exists=mysql -h $1 -e "show databases like '$3'" -sss
if [ -n “$db_exists” ]; then
echo “ERROR: New database already exists ‘$3′”
exit 1
TIMESTAMP=date +%s
# Reason for all the forward slashes:
character_set=mysql -h $1 -e "show create database \\$2\\`\G” -sss | grep ^Create | awk -F’CHARACTER SET ‘ ‘{print $2}’ | awk ‘{print $1}’
mysql -h $1 -e “select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema=’$2′ and TABLE_TYPE=’BASE TABLE'” -sss
if [ "$STATUS" != 0 ] || [ -z "$TABLES" ]; then
echo "Error retrieving tables from '$2'"
exit 1
echo "create database
$3 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $character_set"
mysql -h $1 -e "create database
$3 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $character_set"
mysql -h $1 $2 -e “show triggers\G” | grep Trigger: | awk ‘{print $2}’
mysql -h $1 -e “select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema=’$2′ and TABLE_TYPE=’VIEW'” -sss
if [ -n "$VIEWS" ]; then
mysqldump -h $1 $2 $VIEWS > /tmp/${2}_views${TIMESTAMP}.dump
mysqldump -h $1 $2 -d -t -R -E > /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump
echo "drop trigger $TRIGGER"
mysql -h $1 $2 -e "drop trigger $TRIGGER"
for TABLE in $TABLES; do
echo "rename table
$2.$TABLE to $3.$TABLE"
mysql -h $1 $2 -e "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; rename table
$2.$TABLE to $3.$TABLE"
if [ -n "$VIEWS" ]; then
echo "loading views"
mysql -h $1 $3 < /tmp/${2}_views${TIMESTAMP}.dump
echo "loading triggers, routines and events"
mysql -h $1 $3 < /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump
mysql -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$2' and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'" -sss
if [ -z "$TABLES" ]; then
echo "Dropping database
mysql -h $1 $2 -e "drop database
if [
mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.columns_priv where db='$2'" -sss -gt 0 ]; then
COLUMNS_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.columns_priv set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [
mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.procs_priv where db='$2'" -sss -gt 0 ]; then
PROCS_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.procs_priv set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [
mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.tables_priv where db='$2'" -sss -gt 0 ]; then
TABLES_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.tables_priv set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [
mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.db where db='$2'" -sss` -gt 0 ]; then
DB_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.db set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [ -n "$COLUMNS_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$PROCS_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$TABLES_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$DB_PRIV" ]; then
if [ -n "$COLUMNS_PRIV" ]; then echo "$COLUMNS_PRIV"; fi
if [ -n "$PROCS_PRIV" ]; then echo "$PROCS_PRIV"; fi
if [ -n "$TABLES_PRIV" ]; then echo "$TABLES_PRIV"; fi
if [ -n "$DB_PRIV" ]; then echo "$DB_PRIV"; fi
echo " flush privileges;"


The script you pasted is not properly formated probably due to workpress, would it be possible to paste is as plain text ?


I don’t know if this will work; if not, simply indent once the ifs and for structures, there is just one level.

# Copyright 2013 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
set -e
if [ -z "$5" ]; then
echo "rename_db "
exit 1

mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "show databases like '$5'" -sss
if [ -n "$db_exists" ]; then
echo "ERROR: New database already exists '$5'"
exit 1
TIMESTAMP=date +%s
# Reason for all the forward slashes:
character_set=mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "show create database \\$4\\`\G" -sss | grep ^Create | awk -F'CHARACTER SET ' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$4' and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'" -sss
if [ "$STATUS" != 0 ] || [ -z "$TABLES" ]; then
echo "Error retrieving tables from '$4'"
exit 1
echo "create database
$5 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $character_set"
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "create database
$5 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $character_set"
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $4 -e "show triggers\G" | grep Trigger: | awk '{print $4}'
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$4' and TABLE_TYPE='VIEW'" -sss
if [ -n "$VIEWS" ]; then
mysqldump --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $4 $VIEWS > /tmp/${2}_views${TIMESTAMP}.dump
mysqldump --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $4 -d -t -R -E > /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump
echo "drop trigger $TRIGGER"
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $4 -e "drop trigger $TRIGGER"
for TABLE in $TABLES; do
echo "rename table
$4.$TABLE to $5.$TABLE"
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $4 -e "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; rename table
$4.$TABLE to $5.$TABLE"
if [ -n "$VIEWS" ]; then
echo "loading views"
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $5 < /tmp/${2}_views${TIMESTAMP}.dump
echo "loading triggers, routines and events"
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $5 < /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$4' and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'" -sss
if [ -z "$TABLES" ]; then
echo "Dropping database
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 $4 -e "drop database
if [
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.columns_priv where db='$4'" -sss -gt 0 ]; then
COLUMNS_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.columns_priv set db='$5' WHERE db='$4';"
if [
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.procs_priv where db='$4'" -sss -gt 0 ]; then
PROCS_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.procs_priv set db='$5' WHERE db='$4';"
if [
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.tables_priv where db='$4'" -sss -gt 0 ]; then
TABLES_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.tables_priv set db='$5' WHERE db='$4';"
if [
mysql --user=$2 --password=$3 -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.db where db='$4'" -sss` -gt 0 ]; then
DB_PRIV=" UPDATE mysql.db set db='$5' WHERE db='$4';"
if [ -n "$COLUMNS_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$PROCS_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$TABLES_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$DB_PRIV" ]; then
if [ -n "$COLUMNS_PRIV" ]; then echo "$COLUMNS_PRIV"; fi
if [ -n "$PROCS_PRIV" ]; then echo "$PROCS_PRIV"; fi
if [ -n "$TABLES_PRIV" ]; then echo "$TABLES_PRIV"; fi
if [ -n "$DB_PRIV" ]; then echo "$DB_PRIV"; fi
echo " flush privileges;"


Also, does anybody know of a command for MySQL to not ask for credentials after a successful identification? Somehow like when you use sudo, that it doesn’t ask you for credentials for several minutes after the first time.

Aurélien LEQUOY

I got a really big database to change name. I admit this script help me, but it require many improvement, like change schema name inside VIEW, PROCEDURE etc…

And need say to take care about galera cluster to change priv table table directly.

Thanks for that feedback. I am currently going thru comments to see which ones might make for a good follow up or ‘new view’ posts, and this may well be one of them. If you might be interested in writing it up by the way (cheeky I know) I’m very happy to get content for our – and then you’ll get the recognition for your experience.
Just a thought 🙂


what is script file format and how to execute this in Windows.

Matthew Boehm

@kbpmowrya The script is in bash, for execution on Linux. You would need something like Cygwin, or Bash for Windows in order to execute it.