I recently had an opportunity to migrate a customer from a physical server into Amazon’s RDS environment. In this particular case the customers’ platform makes extensive use of MySQL triggers and views.  I came across two significant issues that prevented me from following Amazon’s documentation, which basically states “use mysqldump” but doesn’t call out a specific method of dealing with MySQL triggers and views.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a great platform if you’re looking for complete hands-off management of your MySQL environment, but comes at a cost in the area of flexibility, i.e. you don’t have SUPER privilege and this brings up additional challenges.

  1. You need to ensure you set log_bin_trust_function_creators=1 ( by default this is off, 0).
  2. You need to clean up your mysqldump syntax.

#1 is easy, you simply make a configuration change within the Amazon RDS GUI on the node’s Parameter Group to set log_bin_trust_function_creators=1 and then a restart of your Amazon RDS node.  The restart is required since without the SUPER privilege you lose access to changing DYNAMIC variables on the fly.
#2 is a little more complex.  If you go with vanilla mysqldump (from say a 5.5 mysqldump binary) on a schema that has triggers and views, you will see error 1227, something like this:

You’re seeing this message because MySQL in Amazon RDS doesn’t provide the SUPER privilege, and thus you cannot set up a trigger or view to run as a different user — only a user with SUPER can do that.

mysqldump will generate syntax for a trigger like this:

and for a view like this:

The problem is in the “DEFINER” lines.

Here’s one method that worked for me:

  1. Identify all the DEFINER lines in your schema. I found it helpful to dump out a –no-data and then weed through that to get a unique list of the DEFINER lines
  2. Create a sed line for each unique DEFINER line (see my example in a moment)
  3. Include this sed line in your dump/load script

Here’s what my sed matches looked like:

Note: the example above won’t directly work due to WordPress “helpfully” stripping my text… you need to escape the forward slashes and asterisks.

A big caveat: this method is akin to a brute force method of getting your data into Amazon RDS — you’ve lost the elegance & security of running your triggers and views as separate defined users within the database — they are all now going to run as the user you loaded them in as. If this is a show-stopper for you, contact Percona and I’d be happy to take on your case and develop a more comprehensive solution.  🙂

Now all that’s left is to integrate this into your dump flow.  Something like this should work:

I hope this helps someone!

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Peter Laursen

SQLyog and SJA has the ability to omit (‘strip out’) DEFINER clauses everywhere, refer http://blog.webyog.com/2014/03/12/sqlyog-mysql-gui-11-4-released/

“In Copy database, Export as SQL-Dump, Scheduled Backup and Schema Sync there is now an option to ignore/omit DEFINER-clause for database objects where it applies. Note that the target server will then create DEFINER as current [SQLyog] user when creating the object.” ([I am bracing [SQLyog] here as a dump generated with SQlyog may be imported with any client, of course).

Carl Partridge

Excellent, thanks for sharing this – we’ve just migrated a MySql DB to RDS and were encountering the slightly cryptic error messages about SUPER privilege.

We use dbForge Studio and, fortunately, when exporting a CREATE SCHEMA document, there’s an option to remove the DEFINER clauses throughout, saving me much wedding!

David Gitman

Here’s the export / import with the sed.

mysqldump -h hostname -u username -ppassword –single-transaction –quick database_name | sed -e ‘s/\/\*[^*]*DEFINER=[^*]*\*\///’ | mysql -h hostname -u username -ppassword database_name

Damilola Ajiboye

pls whats the equivalent in windows cmd.exe


@ David Gitman, your sed filter worked like a dream. Hopefully this can be added to the initial article so people don’t have to scroll way down to find it.

Mak Ashtekar

Thank you so much, it saved my time 🙂
Thanks again

Burak R. Senel

Thank you very much, you saved my day.
I had problems with View for the same reason, when I import my test database in RDS


IT’S VERY SIMPLE all you need to do is remove the DEFINER portion of your statement or from your sql file. Then it will automatically use the current user.


That was helpful, solved my issue, thanks