Percona MySQL webinarsMartin and I have recently been blogging together about MySQL Fabric (in case you’ve missed this, you can find the first post of the series here), and on July 30th, we’re going to be presenting a webinar on this topic titled “Putting MySQL Fabric to Use.”

The focus of the webinar is to help you get started quickly on this technology, so we’ll include very few slides (mostly just a diagram or two) and then jump straight into shared screen mode, with lots of live console and source code examples.

In order to make the best use of time, we won’t show you how to install and configure MySQL Fabric. However, we can point you to a few resources to help you get ready and even follow our examples as we go:

  • The official manual is an obvious starting point
  • Our second post in the series includes configuration instructions
  • This git repo contains the test environment we’ll use to run our demos. Specifically, we’ll use the sharding branch, so if you intend to follow our examples as we go, we recommend checking that one out.

If you’re interested, you can register for this webinar here, and if there’s something specific you’d like to see (we had a request for PHP examples in the comments to our last post) feel free to post that as a comment. We can’t promise we’ll be able to cover all requests during the webinar, but we’ll incorporate examples to the repo as time allows.

Hope to see you then!