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Webinar: MyISAM to InnoDB migration

Register now for a free Percona webinar about migrating your MyISAM databases to InnoDB. Save the date: Dec 1, 2010 at 9:00 AM PST (California) time.Update: the date was originally listed as December 2nd, but that was a mistake. It’s December 1st.We know that...

Should you move from MyISAM to Innodb ?

There is significant portion of customers which are still using MyISAM when they come to us, so one of the big questions is when it is feasible to move to Innodb and when staying on MyISAM is preferred ?I generally prefer to see Innodb as the main storage engine...


Following up on my Previous Post I decided to do little test to see how accurate stats we can get for for Index Stats created by ANALYZE TABLE for MyISAM and Innodb.But before we go into that I wanted to highlight about using ANALYZE TABLE in production as some people...

MyISAM Scalability and Innodb, Falcon Benchmarks

We many times wrote about InnoDB scalability problems, this time We are faced with one for MyISAM tables. We saw that several times in synthetic benchmarks but never in production, that’s why we did not escalate MyISAM scalability question. This time working on...

Join performance of MyISAM and Innodb

We had discussion today which involved benchmarks of Join speed for MyISAM and Innodb storage engines for CPU bound workload, this is when data size is small enough to fit in memory and so buffer pool. I tested very simple table, having with about 20.000 rows in it on...
InnoDB locks and transaction isolation level

InnoDB locks and transaction isolation level

What is the difference between InnoDB locks and transaction isolation level? We’ll discuss it in this post.Recently I received a question from a user about one of my earlier blog posts. Since it wasn’t sent as a comment, I will answer it here....
TokuDB impacts InnoDB Performance?

TokuDB impacts InnoDB Performance?

This blog discusses how TokuDB impacts InnoDB performance when the two run in the same environment.You would think MySQL storage engines are fairly independent of each other, even in the same environment. Enabling one, or changing its configuration, logically should...