
Profiling, analyzing and then fixing queries is likely the most oft-repeated part of a job of a DBA and one that keeps evolving, as new features are added to the application new queries pop up that need to be analyzed and fixed. And there are not too many tools out there that can make your life easy. However, there is one such tool, pt-query-digest (from Percona Toolkit) which provides you with all the data points you need to attack the right query in the right way. But vanilla MySQL does have its limitations, it reports only a subset of stats, however if you compare that to Percona server, it reports extra stats such as information about the queries’ execution plan (which includes things like whether Query cache was used or not, if Filesort was used, whether tmp table was created in memory or on disk, if full scan was done, etc) as well as InnoDB statistics (such as IO read operations, the number of unique pages the query accessed, the length of time query waited for row locks, etc). So you can see there is a plethora of useful information reported by Percona Server. Another great thing about Percona Server is the ability to enable logging atomically, not just for new connections as in MySQL. This is very helpful for measurement as otherwise we might not catch some long running connections.

Now let’s get started.

Before We Start!

But before we start, make sure you have enabled slow query logging and set a low enough value for long_query_time. We normally use a value of long_query_time=0, because if you set it to some other value say 0.1 seconds, it will miss all queries shorter than that which well may be majority of your workload. So if you want to analyze what causes load on your server you better use a value of 0. But remember that you would only want to set it to 0, for a period of time that allows you to gather enough statistics about the queries, after that time period remember to set it back to a value greater than 0, because otherwise you can have a really large log file generated. Another thing that we normally do is set the variable log_slow_verbosity to ‘full’, this variable is available in Percona Server and allows us to log all the extra stats I mentioned above in the overview section.

So say if you were using the vanilla MySQL server, you would see an entry like this in the slow query log:

Compare that to Percona Server with log_slow_verbosity=full:

Note that logging all queries in this fashion as opposed to the general query log, enables us to have the statistics available after the query is actually executed, while no such statistics are available for queries that are logged using the general query log.

Installing pt-query-digest tool (as well as other tools from Percona Toolkit) is very easy, and is explained here at this link.

Now before we move forward, I would like to point out that the results shown in this blog post are from the queries that I have gathered from one of the Percona Server instance running on my personal Amazon micro instance.

Using pt-query-digest

Using pt-query-digest is pretty straight forward:

Note that executing pt-query-digest can be pretty CPU and memory consuming, so ideally you would want to download the "slow query log" to another machine and run it there.

Analyzing pt-query-digest Output

Now let's see what output it returns. The first part of the output is an overall summary:

It tells you that a total of 20.08k queries were captured which are actually invocations of 167 different queries. Following that there are summaries of various data points such as the total query execution time and the average query execution time, the number of tmp tables created in memory vs on-disk, percentage of queries that needed full scan, InnoDB IO stats, etc. One thing I suggest here is that, you should probably give more importance to the times/values reported in the 95% (95th percentile) column as that gives us more accurate understanding. Now, for example it is shown here that every query is reading approximately 38.53 distinct InnoDB pages (meaning 616.48K of data), however, 95% of the times InnoDB r ops is 0, which means it accesses these pages in memory. What it says though is that, if this query would run on a cold MySQL instance, then it would require reading nearly 40 pages from disk.

Let's analyze next part of the output produced by pt-query-digest.

The above part of the output ranks the queries and shows the top queries with largest impact - longest sum of run time which typically (not always) shows queries causing highest load on the server. As we can see here the one causing the highest load is the SELECT wp_options query, this is basically a unique way of identifying the query and simply implies that this is a SELECT query executed against the wp_options table. Another thing to note is the last line in the output the # MISC part, it tells you how much of "load" is not covered by top queries, we have 10% in MISC which means that by reviewing these top 20 queries we essentially reviewed most of the load.

Now let's take a look at the most important part of the output:

This is the actual part of the output dealing with analysis of the query that is taking up the longest sum of run time, query ranked #1. The first row in the table above shows the Count of number of times this query was executed. Now let's take a look at the values in the 95% column, we can see that this query is taking up 20ms 95% of the times and is sending 202 rows and 83.83k of data per query while its also examining 246 rows for every query. Another important thing that is shown here is that every query is reading approximately 38.53 distinct InnoDB pages (meaning 616.48k of data). While you can also see that this query is doing a full scan every time its run. The "Databases" section of the output also shows the name of the databases where this query was executed. Next the "Query_time distribution" section shows how this query times mostly, which you can see majority of the time lies in the range >= 10ms and option_name column, or you might even compress the values stored in the option_value column so that less data is read and sent.

Let’s analyze another query, this time query ranked #4 by pt-query-digest.

Let’s again take a look at the 95% column in the above output. The query execution time is 4ms, it sends 202 rows for which it has to examine 1012 rows (per every query), interesting here is that this query needs to do Filesort 100% of the times and also needs to create on-disk tmp tables every time its executed. Those are the two important things that you would probably like to fix with respect to this query. The tmp table size needed per query is 270.35k, which is not much considering the fact that tmp_tbl_size variable is set to 32M on the server, so on-disk tables are probably being created because of blob columns being accessed by the query. So a quick fix here could be to instead of selecting every column from all the tables involved in the query, probably selecting only the needed columns which could exclude the blob ones.


The only conclusion, I can make out is “Get yourself Percona Server, turn on log_slow_verbosity and start using pt-query-digest”, your job of identifying queries producing most load will be all the more simpler then.

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I have been in the process of migrating from vanilla MySQL to Percona and have begun digging into the wonderful tools provided by the Percona Toolkit and I am constantly impressed. This tool alone should convince any DBA to migrate.

Ovais Tariq


Its not just the tools, the tools combined with the extra information reported by Percona Server, that make the life of a DBA that much easier!

Jay Janssen

I’m documenting this process for a user to be able to do this collection themselves on Percona Server 5.5, and the other useful tidbit I found is:

set global slow_query_log_use_global_control=all;

Which will make the new slow log settings apply to all existing connections, not just new ones.



In terms of Queries per seconds and concurrency there is no explanation

From the below 2 examples which one is better ??

Overall: 6.40k total, 90 unique, 0.76 QPS, 1.71x concurrency
Overall: 38.69k total, 96 unique, 1.46 QPS, 3.66x concurrency